2021-04-06 TACCLA Masks for Schools Program - Orange and San Diego county Chinese school
4/6/2021 (爾灣市): 13所柑縣及聖地牙哥中文學校。
洛杉磯台美商會感謝柑縣及聖地牙哥共11所中文學校為三萬個口罩捐贈舉辦了一場特別儀式。與會人員甚至有遠從聖地牙哥來參加。特別鳴謝爾灣市長Farrah Khan、副市長Tammy Kim、市議員 Anthony Kuo 為此次捐贈見證。感謝爾灣中文學校 Mike Chen 為此次捐贈的努力。
4/6/2021 (Irvine, CA): TACCLA was honored to donate 30,000 masks to 13 Chinese Schools in the Orange County and San Diego County areas. Attendees even travelled from San Diego! ? Special thanks to Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan, Vice Mayor Tammy Kim and City Councilman Anthony Kuo for attending the donation ceremony event. ? TACCLA is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the reopening of schools. It’s time to get back to our new normal! Thank you Mike Chen from Irvine Chinese School for making this all possible! ?
新聞連結 News links:
13 Chinese Schools:
1. Irvine Chinese School (爾灣中文學校)
2. Yulin Chinese School (育林中文學校)
3. Fullerton Chinese School (富樂頓中文學校)
4. EFCI Chinese School (愛恩中文學校)
5. Irvine Tzu-Chi Academy (加州爾灣慈濟人文學校)
6. United Chinese Learning Center (莘莘中文學校)
7. San Diego Chinese Academy (聖地牙哥中文學苑)
8. San Diego North County Chinese School (聖地牙哥北郡中文學校)
9. Chinese School of San Diego (聖地牙哥中文學校)
10. North Orange County Chinese School (北橙中文學校)
11. Bread of Life Chinese School (靈糧中文學校)
12. San Diego Tzu-Chi Academy (聖地牙哥慈濟中文學校)
13. Pao Fa Chinese School (寶法中文學校)
Irvine and Chinese Schools attendees:
-Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan
-Irvine Vice Mayor Tammy Kim
-Irvine City Councilman Anthony Kuo
-Cultural Center Santa Ana of TECO Director I-Pong Chiang (橙僑中心 蔣翼鹏主任)
-張德芝 Robert Chang/僑務委員
-傅家康 Jack Fu/僑務咨詢委員
-曾昭華 Albert Tseng/僑務顧問
-聖地牙哥北郡中文學校邱秀莉校長 及 先生曲學蕃
4/6/2021 TACCLA attendees:
-劉雅薇 Lisa Liu (President/會長)
-顏樹洋 Rosano Yan (Honorary President/名譽會長)
-詹凱臣 Mark Chan (Honorary President/名譽會長)
-吳東昇 Tom Wu (Honorary President/名譽會長)
-葉協豐 John Yeh (Honorary President/名譽會長)
-許清松 Stephen Hsu (Honorary President/名譽會長)
-吳宣蓉 Amy Wu (Vice President/副會長)
-葉怡蘭 Joyce Tsai (Vice President&SG/副會長&秘書長)
-張珮鑾 Polly Chang (Board Member/理事)
-魏守逸 Frank Wei (Board Member/理事)
-蔚忠諺 William Wei (Lifetime Member/靑商部秘書長)
-洪選祐 Henry Hong (靑商部副會長)
-賴瑞絹 Jane Wu (貴賓)










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