北美洲台灣商會聯合總㑹總會長吳光宜拓展銀行業務到南加州,首家分行於十月二十六日在TUSTIN 市開業,洛杉磯台美商會會長許清松偕同秘書長羅安雅,名譽會長溫玉玲代表本㑹前往參加開幕剪綵儀式,祝福宏圖大展,業務興隆!
TCCNA President, Mr Kenneth Wu, expanded his business to Southern California. On 10/26, President Stephen Hsu, Honorary president Lynn Wen and Secretary General Anya Lo were present on behalf of TACC to extend our congratulations at the Grand Opening and ribbon cutting celebration of Golden Bank’s Tustin branch.