Business Spotlight 2022

洛杉磯台美商會六月份企業推廣 - 華興保險

華興保險提供全方位的保險服務,擁有過百位領有專業執照的保險規劃師,主要業務在於提供企業及個人量身的各項風險管理策略,滿足客戶不同的保險需求,無論是保險業績及企業規模皆屬全美亞裔經紀之冠。1992年創辦人張國興先生,以前瞻性的眼光於Hacienda Heights成立華興保險後,持續穩健的發展業務。因應業務需要,陸續 在San Gabriel, Irvine, Diamond Bar以及Cerritos等地設立多家分公司,更在2014年開始於中國長沙、台北設立辦公室。如今的華興保險,在個人市場方面累積服務客戶超過十二萬名,為個人及家庭提供完整的保護傘;也為超過六千家企業提供全方面的風險規劃包括商業、勞工、團體健康保險及各項相關保險業務。
地址:2048 S. Hacienda Blvd., Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (哈崗總公司)
TACCLA June Business Spotlight - KCAL Insurance Agency
KCAL Insurance Agency has been serving the community since 1992. What began in a single office in Hacienda Heights has now expanded to multiple locations throughout Los Angeles and Orange County including San Gabriel, Irvine, Diamond Bar, and Cerritos, and even overseas in China and Taipei. After many years of hard work and dedication, KCAL has grown to become one of the most respected and leading insurance agencies in Southern California. KCAL has provided more than 6,000 businesses with their workers’ compensation insurance, customized employee benefits plans, and all types of business insurance. KCAL has also provided more than 120,000 individuals and families with their health, life, auto, and home insurance protection.
KCAL is committed to providing high quality insurance products and unsurpassed customer service to our clients. With more than 120 licensed experienced insurance agents, our dedicated customer care professionals research and compare the most competitive insurance plans in the market for both individuals and businesses. Our primary goal is to provide our valued customers with quality services and products for you, your family and your business!
KCAL Insurance believes in giving back to the community. Founder and President Kenny Chang is actively involved in community activities and public events, such as donating scholarships for students, hosting free educational seminars for new Chinese immigrants to help them adapt to life in the U.S.
Address: 2048 S. Hacienda Blvd., Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (Headquarters)
Contact: 626-333-1111


  •  1045 E. Valley Blvd. #A211
    San Gabriel, CA 91776
  •  (626) 288-6208
  •  (626) 288-9632
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